A New Twist on The Breakout
- Watching the Bruins practice yesterday. Again watching with my friend NHL analyst Billy Jaffe. Talking hockey. Watching hockey. Learning from him. He is an expert at breaking the game down. We are so lucky to have Billy back coaching one of our Prague Tourney Teams this summer. Giving back to the youth of the nation. Email bob@proambitions.com to inquire about joining us in Prague Aug 4-12.
- I saw and am seeing during many NHL games a twist on The Breakout of The Defensive Zone.
- See picture above.
- We are going to take this step by step.
- The D is coming around the net for The Breakout.
- There is a red arrow because a typical play would be to pass it up to the winger where that arrow is pointing.
- But…
- As I saw in the Bruins practice yesterday. I am going to talk about Bruins players not the picture here. Chara reversed it and passed to Bergeron(the center) who then passed it to Mcevoy(the D who is the guy in the picture just standing there over to the right) who filled in as THE CENTER.
- In the picture above the D will reverse it to the center instead of up to the winger, and McAvoy the D standing over to the right will swoop through the middle up where the arrow is and act as the center.
- Totally unexpected for the opposing team. May confuse the hell out of the players.
- Not saying this is a standard everytime breakout. Great to here and there throw a monkey wrench into what is expected.
- Bruce Cassidy, Bruins Head Coach, is upping the gas.
- The Bruins practiced this breakout on every line. Fast. Effective. Awesome. Loved watching it. Poetry in Motion.
- Seeing this thrown in here and there during NHL games…
- As a D, I would be frothing at the mouth to execute this play.
- Smart of coaches to mix it up when you have Offensive Defensemen on your team.
- I am going to be throwing a bit of this spice and more into my D Camp Curriculum.
- Defense With Serowik Camps. Summer 2018. Click blue link below and sign up now.