Mentally Strong Players Do This
Successful athletes are mentally strong.
The best hockey players are mentally strong.
Here are some things they do:
- They practice gratitude. To coaches. Teammates. To fans. People who support them. Gratitude to their parents for the financial and family sacrifice that hockey involves. They don’t take a camp or private lesson for granted. The successful kids are the grateful ones. Oh and they are kids and they need to be taught and reminded of this. A good lesson to talk about at 5:45am as you pull into Dunkin Donuts on the way to an early practice or game. I was out to dinner in Chicago with JR last winter. He never turns away a fan. Ever. A line formed at our table. I know a lot of players, celebrities. Most won’t allow fans to line up and interrupt family time, dinner at a restaurant. JR always did and still does…
- They retain their personal power. Every athlete is going to come across a coach who is TRYING to bury them. Coaches can set players up for success or failure. Easily. And they can have a laundry list of reasons WHY you are not getting much playing time. Not always true or fair. You are not crazy. Sometimes it is not fair. Some coaches have favorites or an agenda. BUT…DON’T LET HIM OR HER BREAK YOU. Keep on going HARD every opportunity on the ice or field. Your time with that bad coach is fleeting. Not permanant. This is a cliche but I love it. The cream always rises to the top…
- They accept challenges. Tough competitors accept adversity as a challenge. LOOK IT STRAIGHT IN THE FACE. Look the problem or person who is causing you a problem head on. This is what I say in my head when I am facing a big tough challenge or wrong unethical person in power who is not doing the right thing….” You want to dance? Let’s dance!” I will never forget one of my best friends and teammates while playing HOCKEY EAST Providence College. Rick Bennett. He is an NCAA winning coach of The Frozen Four at Union College. A champion.  Many times during practice he would skate by me and look me straight in the eye. ” Don’t let him break you Jeff. Don’t let him win.” I knew exactly who he was talking about. I needed that from a teammate, a friend. What goes around in life, eventually comes around. There is a reason Rick won The NCAA Championship a few years back. He is a mentor. A coach. A winner. He studied the game, paid his dues. Worked hard.  A good guy. I always say this old cliche too. But I mean it. I love it when the good guy wins…they eventually always do if you don’t give up…
- They focus on the things they can control. All you can control is how you play today. Nottomorrow or yesterday. Don’t worry about the future. You cannot control that. Control what you can do today to get better, stronger. How can I improve, what little thing can I do today in this marathon not this spring-hockey.  Same thing in business. Life. The small victories add up to big ones…
- They set healthy boundaries. Physical and mental. Make good choices. Think about consequences for actions before doing the action. Don’t take advantage of people. Don’t use people. Say no if you have to sometimes…
- They take calculated risks. Both on and off the ice. Big returns require risks. Always playing it safe in your comfort zone will not give you the opportunities to reach your ultimate goals. Goals being a double entendre. Scoring goals require calculated risks on the ice. Going into the dirty areas…
- They make peace with the past. Reflect on the past so you can learn from your mistakes. Don’t live a life of regret or hold grudges…
- They learn from their mistakes. They accept full responsibility for their behavior. Don’t repeat them. Apologize and own it…
- They create their own definiton for success. Don’t be jealous of other players. Mentally strong people celebrate their teammates success and victories. Know that other peoples achievments don’t diminish your own. You will have your day too. If you keep on working. You will…
- They view failure as an opportunity for growth. Failure is part of very long journey to success. For everyone. Recognize this and become wiser…
- They set aside time to be alone. To think. Reflect. About their game. Their attitude toward teammates. Meditaiton, writing in a journal. Try it…
- They accept full responsibility for their lives. They don’t wast time waiting for the world to give them what they think they are owed. They plan their work and work their plan. They set goals. Then go after achieving them.
- They modify their unhealthy habits. They recognize if they are not eating right. Not drinking enough water. Not using their Mr. Assist at home. Not packing their hockey bag and backpack the night before. Not getting enough sleep. Nobody is perfect. But they check themself periodically and make a change…
- They expend their mental energy wisely. Instead of rehashing things they cannot change. Devote your time to productive tasks. Come to camp with us. Be around coaches who have no agenda but to train you and make you a better player to achieve your own personal bar. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon. We prepare all year for you. #battlecamp
MA: Defense With Owner Jeff Serowik camps:  Andover April 19-21
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MA: Battle Camps
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Prague Seal Team Summer Tournament Teams 03, 04, 05, 06, 07Â