Executing What You Practice in The Game

  • We will be working on a lot of stick and scoring skills at camp.
  • We want you to execute these moves in our battle scrimmage play at camp.
  • We will train you to execute tactically.
  • I know personally that some seasons I or my kids have had what I call ” The Robot Coach” where you feel nervous to try things knowing you will get yelled at if you don’t stay perfectly in what I call the” coach’s lane”.
  • There is a fine line on this topic, I realize this.
  • Kids today can watch stick handling experts on youtube and mimic their moves at home over and over and over again until they become proficient at them in their own right.
  • I encourage those kids to start executing those moves first in practice.
  • Then in games.
  • At Pro Ambitions we will push kids out of their comfort zone, we will train players in new and innovate ways to approach scoring and tactics to win your battles.
  • Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. Until you can pass the puck to yourself through your legs.
  • Like I always say unbiased eyes. No judgement but we will push the envelope.
  • We have our shipment of Bronko Belts from Canada, Coach Mike drove up to pick all of them up. We bought 75 extra belt on top of the ones AAA BU campers purchased on line. Please email Garrett@proambitions.com if you would like to add this to your bag today. All Bronko Belts will be given to kids at check in at AAA BU. If we have any extra we will sell them at check in. We will have the kids with the belts wear the belts for at least half hour of each on ice session most especially the hybrid powerskating. I am having my daughter train this summer in field hockey wearing a bronko belt.





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