October 18 Hockey Tip of The Day.
- It is a great idea to remind your player that hockey is fast.
- Remind him or her to always remember to protect themselves.
- Get low.
- Use your core.
- Be aware.
- Don’t trust your opponents.
- Come into the boards on an angle.
- We teach all of this at our Battle Camps.
- I teach the kids to make a tripod with their stick. Two legs and stick to create a tripod for safety. Especially the little guys just starting out in the game.
- Concussions.
- Do not take them lightly.
- Take that extra day or two or three or ten or…. to rest.
- Coaches will not punish your child for missing.
- Educators will not punish your child for missing.
- Have him or her stay home and rest.
- Relax.
- Heal.
- We have come a long way and are continuing to progress in the study of the detrimental damage of youth concussions.
- The detrimental damage of all concussions.
- I had a career ending concussion while playing for The Pittsburgh Penguins.
- It was hard.
- I was so sick.
- A lot of my teammates and coaches did not understand.
- Not many did.
- My face finally healed from the cuts and bruises but I did not feel any better.
- Then I got bells palsey.
- Although I looked like a cyclops I was actually happy because I did not look well so I hoped people could understand how sick I felt.
- It was 1999-2000 season.
- My coaches kept encouraging me to get on the bike during practice.
- I would vomit after only a few minutes on the bike.
- My coaches had me report to practice daily even though I was too ill to skate in practice.
- It took everything I had to sit there and watch.
- I would go home and go straight back to bed.
- I am one of the luckiest guys in the world because I have a loving family that took me to the best doctors and gave me the love support and care I needed.
- It took a very long time.
- Hockey is a game of battles.
- We teach kids how to battle safely and effectively.
- The Battle Camp.
- I created this niche in the industry.
- This is the signature Pro Ambitions Hockey, Inc. curriculum.
- I copyrighted the word.
- I wanted to create a niche in the industry of youth hockey development.
- The sale continues until midnight Halloween. Only a deposit is necessary to secure a summer 2018 spot and enjoy the 15% off. Code on picture below.